Taking a Bite Out of
Mosquito-Borne Illness
Monitoring Mosquito Abundance and Distribution to Assist
Vector-Borne Disease Management in Western Europe
Dr. Assaf Anyamba, USRA and NASA GSFC
Dr. John Bolten, NASA GSFC
Project Team:
Gia Mancini (Project Lead)
Douglas Gardiner
Victor Lenske
Dr. Sara Lubkin
Helen Plattner
Luisa Silva
Alison Thieme
Aaron Warga
Vector-borne diseases, caused by pathogens and parasites, are transmitted through living organism carriers known as vectors. Mosquitoes, the most common disease vectors, transmit illnesses such as Zika, West Nile, chikungunya, malaria, dengue, and yellow fever, which affect millions of people across the world and kill more than one million people each year. While vector-borne disease outbreaks are difficult to predict, the Global Mosquito Alert Consortium strives to monitor and mitigate outbreaks through research and citizen science. This approach presents several challenges, including a lack of data standardization across different regions. The NASA DEVELOP team utilized NASA Earth observations and Global Mosquito Alert Consortium citizen science data from countries in Western Europe in order to create a methodology and habitat suitability map to improve prediction models for vector-borne diseases. The MaxEnt habitat modeling software was used to combine different environmental factors and citizen science data to determine which variables are correlated with the presence of mosquitoes. These products will be implemented in an interactive, open-source platform in the subsequent term for easier visualization and representation of habitat suitability.
Dr. John Palmer, Global Mosquito Alert Consortium
Dr. Anne Bowser, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Dr. Greg Newman, Citizen Science Association
Martin Brocklehurst, European Citizen Science Association
Dr. Russanne Low, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
Dr. Arnold van Vliet, Wageningen University
Dr. Beniamino Caputo, Sapienza Università Di Roma
Dr. Alessandra Dellatorre, Sapienza Università Di Roma
Dr. Assaf Anyamba, USRA and NASA GSFC
Dr. John Bolten, NASA
This material is based upon work supported by NASA through contract NNL11AA00B and cooperative agreement NNX14AB60A. Any mention of a commercial product, service, or activity in this material does not constitute NASA endorsement. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and partner organizations.