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Alison Thieme

Southern Californian

Lives in Philadelphia, PA

Works remotely in DC and Maryland



2017 - Present Doctor of Philosophy (student)

Geographical Sciences

University of Maryland, College Park


2016 - 2017 Master of Business Administration 

General Business Administration

Quantic School of Business and Technology


2014 - 2016 Master of Science

Geographic Information Science for Development and Environment

Clark University


2005 - 2009 Bachelor of Science

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of California, Los Angeles





2019 - Present Thieme Consulting LLC

Small Business Owner


2017 - Present Amazon Conservation Association | Amazon Conservation Team

Remote Sensing Consultant


2018 - 2018 University of Maryland

Graduate Research Assistant


2017 - May 2018 University of Maryland

Teaching Assistant - Remote Sensing


2018 NASA DEVELOP Goddard Space Flight Center

Science Advisor


2016 - 2017 NASA DEVELOP Goddard Space Flight Center

Research Consultant


2016 - 2017 NASA DEVELOP Goddard Space Flight Center

Geoinformatics Fellow | Assistant Center Lead


2016 Community Development Training Institute

GIS Consultant


2015 - 2016 Wildlife Conservation Society

GIS and Remote Sensing Consultant


2015 - 2016 Atlantic Corp

GIS Consultant


2015 Summer Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

GIS Research Intern


2009 - 2011 Peace Corps Madagascar

Environmental Sustainability Specialist


Grants & Awards


2018 AGU Data Visualization and Storytelling Competition 

          Grand Prize


2017 AGU Data Visualization and Storytelling Competition

          Runner Up


2014 - 2015 Albert, Norma and Howard Geller '77 Endowed Research Award


Published Scripts


RAIn: Rainfall Analysis Integration


CCROP: Cover Crop Remotely Observed Performance


COVER: Calibrate Observed Vegetation Estimates Remotely



Software: ArcGIS, TerrSet, IDRISI Selva, MaxEnt, CLASlite, PyScripter, ArcPy, QGIS, R Studio, Google Earth Engine


Computer Languages: R, Python


Database Management: ArcCatalog


Certifications: PADI Divemaster, Science SCUBA Diver


Languages: English (native),

Malagasy (conversational), French (basic written)



Recent Presentations


August 2019 - Chiang Mai University

Workshop, Oral Presentation


December 2018 - AGU Fall Meeting

Oral Presentation at NASA Hyperwall


August 2018 -  ISE, BSEE Belem 30+

Workshop, Oral Presentation


March 2018 - José Matías Delgado University   

Technical Training


March 2018 - Universidad de El Salvador                                      

Technical Training


November 2017 -  Mid-Atlantic Regional AAG Meeting

Poster Presentation


August 2017 - NASA Annual Earth Science Applications Showcase

Poster Presentation 


April 2017 - US International Association of Landscape Ecology

Oral Presentation 


February 2017 - Esri's FedGIS

Oral Presentation 


November 2016 - NASA DEVELOP GSFC Closeout

Oral Presentation 


August 2016 - NASA Annual Earth Science Applications Showcase

Oral Presentation 


April 2016 - US International Association of Landscape Ecology

Oral Presentation 


December 2015 - American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

Oral Presentation


April 2015 - Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting

Poster Presentation


April 2015 - Clark University Multidisciplinary Conference

Poster Presentations





Hettler, B., Thieme, A., & Finer, M. (2017). Deforestation Patterns in the Colombian Amazon. MAAP Colombia: 1.


Yadav, S., Fitz, J., McCartney, S., Oddo, P., & Thieme, A. (2017). Catchment in the Rye: Conservation in the Chesapeake Bay. Earthzine


McCarthy, T., Masson, P., Thieme, A., Leimgruber, P., & Gratwicke, B. (2017). The relationship between climate and adult body size in redback salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). Geo: Geography and Environment, 4(1).


© 2016 ALISON THIEME GIS and Remote Sensing Specialist. 

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